22 October 2012


The artist Tatzu Nishi has installed an ostentatious American living room 20 meters above Columbus Circle around Gaetano Russo's sculpture of Columbus. Which means you can sit in a leather chair around a coffee table and contemplate the nuances of something Russo very reasonably never thought you'd examine up-close: Columbus' colossal marble footwear.

10 October 2012

SMU, Dallas, Texas

Go Ponies.

9 October 2012

This is probably my current favorite trespass in New York City. That's the keyboard for a carillon--church bells--with the carilloneur's sheet music on the floor. The rest of the instrument is up in the bell tower, which you can also visit, if you don't get sidetracked by the mysterious, toddler-sized iron door in the brick wall on the way up...

6 October 2012

Phoenixville, Pennsylvania

I blog about a lot of manhole covers but Phoenixville is probably the first town I've visited that poured its own steel for the things. Speaking of, TEDxPhoenixville is where I met sewer expert and trespassing pro Steve Duncan, who gave me a lift back to NYC. He told me I'm the only other person he's ever met who has manhole cover photos on his cell phone and I thought: "Yeah--mutual, Dude."